This Flutter course is a wonderful step towards taking you from a beginner to an advanced level in app development. You will start with the basics of programming and work your way through building real-world applications using Flutter and Dart.
What Will I Learn? :
Understand the fundamentals of programming and mobile app development.
Learn the differences between cross-platform and native development.
Master Dart programming, including OOP concepts like classes, inheritance, and polymorphism.
Build fully functional mobile apps using Flutter and Dart.
Work with essential Flutter widgets like AppBar, Buttons, Containers, and more.
Implement state management using Provider, BLoC, GetX, and RiverPod.
Integrate APIs and handle JSON data for dynamic content in apps.
Store data locally using SQLite and Shared Preferences for offline capabilities.
Use Firebase for authentication, real-time databases, and cloud messaging.
Create stunning animations and transitions to enhance user experience.
Build responsive and internationalized applications.
Apply clean code practices and design patterns like BLoC and MVVM for scalable app development.